Radical Healing. Radical Love. Radical Self-Acceptance.

You Are Enough!

I had been bullied from the time I was in kindergarten, so by the time I was fourteen,  I wanted nothing more in life than to be “popular.” I chemically relaxed my curly, frizzy hair and wore trendy clothes, and tried to imitate the popular girls. I spent many years trying to be enoughskinny enough, pretty enough, smart enough, cool enough.  When my family moved across the country while I was in high school, I thought I was finally getting my chance at popularity and a fresh start. A few months later when I was walking down the high school hallway and the taunting started again– people calling me names and throwing things at me– something in my mind snapped. 

“I’m never going to fit in. So screw it! I’ll be whoever I want to be!” And in that moment, I was no longer trying and failing to live up to other’s expectations — I was free! I shaved off most of my hair and dyed the rest purple; I donned Doc Marten boots and fishnet, and became the big, boisterous spirit that I am today.  I want you to find that same freedom.  

As counter-intuitive as it may seem, responsibility is the key to freedom. The more responsibility we are willing to accept– for our health, the quality of our relationships, the state of our finances or achievement of our goals– the more free we become within our own lives. 

YOU ARE ENOUGH! Exactly as you are now, exactly as you are currently being! If you could tap into that knowledge every day, and find your own voice and your own power, would that change things for you?  

And yes, that’s me (above, on the right) fighting in the Thunder Dome at Burning Man, surrounded by hundreds of spectators. It took me many years to work up the courage, because I had a story about not being “cool enough!” 

Are the stories you tell About Yourself empowering you?

The stories we tell about ourselves have enormous power to shape our lives– for good or for bad– if we believe them! Are there different versions of yourself that you want to be? 

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Meaning informs our mental health, & vice versa

A trauma history can impact how we see the world. And how we see the world impacts how we experience it!

There's comfort in not having to code-switch or explain yourself!

Folks who are bi-racial or bi-cultural can often feel as if we’re walking between worlds. Add to that sexuality, gender expression, class, ability and so forth, and we may start to feel as if we’re unicorns whom no one can understand. That’s not true!

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How do we create a life we love?

Are you chasing the things that truly make you happy? How will you know when you achieve happiness? Is happiness no more than a series of conquests or acquisitions? Shaping our life around our values can create lasting satisfaction.

like attracts like, ya know?

Who Are My People?


You are the person who others lean on for support, and sometimes that's a heavy burden when you have no one to lean on! You worry that if you let go, everything might spin out of control!

Bi-Cultural & BIPOC

You're navigating the different worlds of a multi-cultural or BIPOC person, and want a therapist with lived experience in many intersectional communities!

Anxiety, Depression, Self-Esteem

You're struggling with a mood disorder and are looking for tools and support to be your best self. You're building the confidence to make the world your oyster!


You're a creative, a builder, a performer, a visionary! You may struggle with work/art/life balance and impostor syndrome, and want a therapist who understands the artistic process.

Sexual/Gender Identity

You're a transgender or nonbinary person, or might be and you're figuring it out. You're a person exploring your sexual identity. You're looking for poly and kink friendly therapy.

Misfits & Outsiders

You're experiencing a transition and feeling disoriented... you feel like others don't "get" it or "get" you. Or maybe you've never felt like you fit in anywhere!

L.S. Pearce

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

About Me

L.S. Pearce, (she/her; you can call her Pearce) was born in a small midwestern hamlet in the last year of Generation-X, and has been thus termed an “X-ennial.” She is a mixed-race BIPOC and card-carrying member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. She is also extremely gay, and masculine-of-center in her gender presentation.

At age 19, she dropped out of college to hitchhike around the country for 18 months before finding herself in Washington D.C. getting arrested at a WTO/IMF protest. This sparked her interest and participation in activism and volunteer work, which stoked the fires of her interest in history and liberation politics, and led her to relocate to Seattle and later, Olympia and Portland. There, she worked for over a decade with LGBTQ youth and at-risk youth, people struggling with addiction and mental health issues, HIV and homelessness. A lifelong writer, she earned a Bachelor’s of Art degree in Creative Nonfiction from The Evergreen State College. After a brief stint as an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher, she earned a Master’s Degree in Social Work from the University of Georgia and graduated with honors. She has been a practicing therapist since 2019.

Pearce has specialized training in racial trauma, trauma and PTSD, Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), and is a certified domestic violence advocate in the state of California. 

In her spare time, Pearce enjoys attempting to surf, hiking with her dog, travel, cooking with friends, writing music, and playing ukulele. 

Laura Suzanne Pearce, Licensed Clinical Social Worker #116040 in the state of California. Now accepting new clients!